Speck Pumpen

Speck Pumpen

Build to fit your needs.

Speck Pumpen specializes in moving water and liquid systems. With experience and know-how their technologies and solutions are used in either for private households or industry settings, for public and municipal facilities.

Explore our range of products.

Vertical centrifugal pumps
Vertical, stainless steel multistage centrifugal pumps characterized by a high rate of efficiency as well as durability. Mainly used in pressure boosting units, water treatment, irrigation, fire extinguishing systems, cooling water supply.
Process waste water pumps
Three-phase asynchronous motors with a special shaft are used as drive motors. Depending on the pump design, these are suitable for assembly in dry locations or in areas covered by water or submerged. Used for draining of backwash water in swimming pools, municipal sewage treatment plants, compact sewage treatment plants and waste water systems for shipbuilding.
Submersible pumps
These sub­mers­ible pumps with peri­pher­al impellers are char­ac­ter­ised by their high pres­sure and their seal­less, low-main­ten­ance con­struc­tion. They can be applied in cir­cuits with media not con­tain­ing sol­id mat­ter, for example in tem­per­at­ure con­trol units or machine cool­ing sys­tems.
Side channel pumps
These self-prim­ing, gas hand­ling side chan­nel pumps with mag­net­ic coup­ling, which is why they are used for applic­a­tions in which there are dif­fi­cult suc­tion or intake con­di­tions, for example in boil­er feed pumps or con­dens­er pumps. Due to the mag­net­ic coup­ling, there is no shaft seal and the pumps can there­fore also be used for dif­fi­cult media.
Rotary vane pumps
These self-prim­ing rotary vane pumps with mag­net­ic coup­ling have a rel­at­ively con­stant flow rate at an oper­at­ing pres­sure of up to 14 bars. An integ­rated over­flow valve – can be set from 4 bars of excess pres­sure – pro­tects sens­it­ive unit com­pon­ents. These pumps can be applied, for example, in spray applic­a­tions and osmos­is units.
Gear pumps
These self-prim­ing gear pumps with elec­tron­ic­ally com­mut­ated dir­ect cur­rent motor, in a canned motor ver­sion, are main­ten­ance-free and can be set to vari­ous motor speeds. These can be applied for example in med­ic­al tech­no­logy and fuel deliv­ery.
Heat transfer pumps
These non-self-prim­ing regen­er­at­ive tur­bine pumps with mag­net­ic coup­ling are char­ac­ter­ised by high pres­sure at low flow rates and a com­pact con­struc­tion. Thanks to the mag­net­ic coup­ling they are leak­age and main­ten­ance-free. They can be applied in cir­cuits for liquids not con­tain­ing sol­id mat­ter, for example in cool­ing cir­cuits or in tem­per­at­ure con­trol units, among oth­ers.
Multistage ring section pump
These multistage, non-self-prim­ing boil­er feed pumps are used for water applic­a­tions with a large flow rate and at the same time a high counter pres­sure e.g. in boil­er feed units or in water sup­ply units.
Vacuum pumps
These liquid ring vacu­um pumps are single-stage pumps with valve flaps. The cost-effect­ive and robust con­struc­tion is one of the bene­fits. These pumps are applied in small ster­il­isers and degass­ing units, among oth­ers.
Plastic centrifugal pumps
The spe­cial ver­sion AK pumps cor­res­pond to the stand­ard ver­sions in our BADU pro­gramme, how­ever they are designed for use in diverse salt water and prob­lem medi­as. Media that could poten­tially leak or min­er­als and salts which could crys­tal­lise do not come into con­tact with the motor or bear­ings. There­fore this ensures con­sid­er­ably longer oper­at­ing times for these fields of applic­a­tion com­pared to the stand­ard ver­sion.
Normblock pumps
The Nonoblock stainless steel design facilitates the circulation performance, yet requires little space. The maintenance-free bellow-type mechanical seal is highly resistant to wear and tear and not reliant on the direction of rotation. For swimming pool water circulation and filtration as well as operation in public swimming pools and attractions. Can also be used for irrigation, drainage, water supply, shipbuilding and industry.
Regenerative turbine pumps/small centrifugal pumps
Monoblock pump with surface-cooled motor, extended motor shaft to accommodate the impellers, shaft seal in the form of a mechanical seal, configured for constant operation. Mainly used in water treatment, water supply, cooling units, engineering and pressure boosting
Horizontal centrifugal pumps
Monoblock pump with surface-cooled motor, extended motor shaft to accommodate the impellers, shaft seal in the form of a mechanical seal, configured for constant operation. Mainly used in water treatment, water supply, cooling units, engineering and pressure boosting
Liquid ring vacuum pump from the VG series with frequency converter for highly efficient, needs-based vacuum generation, including sensors and control panel.
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